"About IRiclub"

After 20 years of training more than 60,000 scholars and top managers in the country by Hamayesh Farazan Company and following the request of many of these managers to form an effective management club, a club consisting of 100 managers, entrepreneurs, scholars, wealth creators, and creative Iranians was established on Friday, May 1, 2017, to benefit from the most updated knowledge and management tools in the world by training provided by the best and most well-known international professors and speakers to improve, develop and advance member organizations, create innovative, distinctive business and economic ideas and forming new business and commerce nuclei with a focus on increasing employment, improving the quality of services and products and economic profitability, as well as forming a network of expert managers and idea owners to interact and facilitate trade and business affairs.


Creating a positive and constructive atmosphere for successful managers of the country to facilitate interaction, value creation, personal and professional development through practical international training


Becoming the most powerful and effective management, business, and entrepreneurship network in the country by 2023


Developing an Impactful Business